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In just a few clicks, change the information in real-time, drag & drop new images, modify texts and much more.

Upload photos or Drag & Drop

Take photos of all your products and upload them from your phone, tablet, or drag and drop them into your website from your computer, no designer or developer skills required!

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)

All the changes made in the admin platform are automatically saved instantly, no more time wasted in checking if your updates have saved and if they have turned out as expected. What you upload or change is what you get instantly!

Drag & Drop Feature

Get to know this feature!

Get all your photos together, upload them to your PC or Laptop, then drag them into your new admin system. The system will take care of the rest!


Easy delivery zone setup

Simply mark out the area your delivery service will cover, set up your minimum purchase amount, and the delivery fee per zone. Perfect for those shops with multiple stores.


Plus much much more!

Local shop online gave us the opportunity to serve our customers online when the pandemic started. Without this system, we have no idea what could have happened to our business

Tim Taylor
Rating : 5